These Tips Will Make Your Tree Removal And Relocation A Success

These Tips Will Make Your Tree Removal And Relocation A Success

Beach cities tend to be hubs of many activities. But if you want a laid-back beach city with the holiday atmosphere that comes with a home feeling, Hallandale Beach is the place for you. One of the must-visit places in Hallandale Beach is Joseph Scavo Park.

The park was renovated in 2014 and contains; restrooms, a playground, a fitness trail, basketball courts, and two off-leash dog areas -one for large dogs and one for small dogs. That’s a city with a plan. The Park’s renovation is important as it speaks to the joy of making things new. You can also do the same by removing and relocating some trees in your yard. Here’s more about tree removal and relocation;

How is a mature tree removed and relocated?

These Tips Will Make Your Tree Removal And Relocation A Success

A mature tree presents a challenging task when it comes to tree relocation. This is because you cannot just pluck it out of the ground and move it to your desired spot. You have to take into account its root structure, the soil around it, and the location you want to move it to. Mostly around 50% of trees don’t survive relocation, but here is how you can do it perfectly;

A tree cannot be transplanted by simply uprooting it and placing it in a pit dug elsewhere. The process involves multiple steps and requires significant expertise.

First, the soil around the tree is dug up to isolate the roots. The big branches are lopped off, leaving only small shoots for regeneration. This is done to make transportation of the tree to the new location easier.

The root system is covered with wet gunny bags to protect the roots and to keep the tree hydrated. The tree has to be first sent to a nursery to acclimatise to a new kind of soil, and to regenerate. Once new shoots start sprouting, the tree is lowered into a pit created in its new spot. Read more from Indian Express…

And when do you move trees?

These Tips Will Make Your Tree Removal And Relocation A Success

The best time to relocate trees is around fall, late winter, or early spring. The tree relocation should be done after leaves fall in autumn or right before new buds break in spring. You want to move your tree when it is not so active to give it an easy time in the new location. Here is some more tips for you;

Move a deciduous tree in early spring before it begins to leaf out or early fall after the leaves begin to turn color. Don’t move evergreens during a growth flush or in the fall when it’s too late for them to become established before winter weather arrives. Late summer is usually a good time to move evergreens. Tree and shrub roots extend well beyond the volume of soil that you will be able to move. Prune the roots to a manageable size well in advance so the cuts will have time to heal before transplanting trees and shrubs. If you plan to transplant in the spring, prune the roots in the fall, after the leaves drop. If you want to transplant in the fall, prune the roots in the spring before the leaf and flower buds begin to swell. Read more from Gardening Know How…

What are some reasons for moving a tree?

Hardscaping and landscape design in Hallandale Beach by EPS Landscaping & Tree Service

Each homeowner has a different landscaping strategy for their home. For some, they go wild and let nature be. But for others, the trees have to be planted in a specific way. And if one tree is out of place, it’s time to move. It can also be that the tree is becoming a safety hazard but you don’t want to cut it down, you would rather move it.

Trees do more than add greenery, fruit, or flowers to a landscape. People plant trees to shade patios, driveways, homes, and other plants. Sometimes, a tree outgrows the space it lives in and infringes on structures above the ground or plumbing pipes below. Mature trees can grow too closely to power lines and pruning is just not enough.

Conditions around a tree can change. For example, the city might add a sidewalk, the neighbor puts up a fence, or the garage fills, forcing the shiny family car out to the driveway and under a bird-loving tree.

Some people move to a home with established trees that were planted too close to the house, with the wrong sun exposure, or in a spot where deer or elk are damaging it. Transplanting a tree can prevent damage to a car, roof, and people—or save the tree itself. Read more from Bob Villa…

For your tree relocation to be a success, it is best that you get a professional to do the work for you. You can call EPS Landscaping in Hallandale Beach for any tree removal and relocation needs and we will give you the best experience. Call Us Today!

Published Wed, 16 Mar 2022 16:18:55 -0500

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